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Industry recognition for GestureTek technology

Video gesture recognition and control technology company GestureTek Systems has been nominated as one of the top three finalists for two different categories at a prestigious industry awards event.

The company will now win either Gold, Silver, or Bronze recognition at the Digital Signage Exhibition 2015 Apex Awards. Its ‘Virtual Dinosaur Dig’ installation for the Dinosaur Exhibit at the Skylon Tower in Niagara Falls is a finalist in the Arts and Entertainment Award category.

Featuring a 12' wide projected surface that was three feet off the ground, visitors could reach in to start to "dig" away the virtual layers of sand and soil to slowly reveal a complete dinosaur skeleton. When pushing the bones together they transformed into an animation of the dinosaur in its prehistoric environment, only to then dissolve back to sand.

GestureTek's installation for the RichTree Natural Market Restaurant in Toronto is a finalist in the Food & Beverage Award category, with the interactive gesture controlled applications recognised for engaging customers.

The installation features a 20ft long gesture controlled projection of an interactive virtual fish pond, as well as a virtual soccer game, on the floor. Also included are four huge interactive gesture controlled projection tables on which children can play games, and a multitouch system on a 23ft long video wall experience.

The Digital Signage Apex Awards winners will be announced on March 12.

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